The Industrial Cybersecurity ecosystem where companies and professionals evolve together
More than 7,000 members from over 45 nationalities
CCI was born in 2013 from the industry, completely independent and non-profit
The main and only driving force behind the creation of the Industrial Cybersecurity Center is to provide the IC environment with a professional and up-to-date ecosystem.
A space, both virtual and physical, where professionals from around the world can share, learn, and overcome industry challenges together.
Today, the CCI is the international reference point for the exchange of experiences and knowledge. We work tirelessly to promote the dynamism of sectors related to this field, Industrial Cybersecurity, and all closely related areas.
Together, professionals, companies, and public entities build a more dynamic, professional, and ambitious environment.

The Team
The best hallmark of the CCI is undoubtedly the team that comprises it.
Since its creation, the Industrial Cybersecurity Center has brought together top-level active professionals who provide unique and invaluable value to each and every activity of the center.
Our team is made up of indispensable pieces that fit together perfectly, including our internal team, the network of international coordinators, and the network of experts who support and add extra value with their expertise.
One of the most important values of the CCI is having the participation of public and private organizations that nourish and enrich the ecosystem.
Entities that choose to be members of the organization to contribute value and benefit from the shared experience.
CCI is a non-profit organization whose sole objective is to provide the current Industrial Cybersecurity landscape with a safe space to share and grow.
From this perspective, our sponsors are an essential piece for the maintenance and development of our activities. Thanks to them, our viability is confirmed as well as the independence of the center and the activities that are promoted.
Recognition program for commitment to Industrial Cybersecurity.
Recognition is essential for moving forward safely. Effort and well-done work must be valued.
The CCI Credentials program aims to convey the importance of dedication.
Academy program
Supply the Industrial Cybersecurity ecosystem with students and teachers from the education sector as catalysts for change.
The Academy Program is in continuous evolution and improvement. The goal is to attract talent from education that can provide unique and fresh value.