Escuela Professional School

C02. Course of Cybersecurity Manager in IACS (Industrial and Automation Control Systems)

To be confirmed
Nivel profesionalProfessional level: Tactico Tactical, Operativo Operative
OrganizaciónOrganization: Propietario, operación y mantenimiento Owner, operation and maintenance, Ingenieria e integración Engineering and integration, Fabricante de tecnología Technology manufacturer
DuraciónDuration: 16 hours
AsistenciaModality: Online
ModalidadMode: Curso Course
Nivel del programa de credencialesCredentials program level: Verde Green
CupoCapacity: 15
Tipo formaciónType: Calendario oficial CCI Official ICC Calendar

Con certificado de participaciónEnrolment certificate available

  • Oficial no Miembro CCIOfficial ICC non-member 1.100,00 €
  • BásicoBasic 990,00 €
  • Profesional y EnterpriseProfessional & Enterprise 935,00 €
  • PlataformasPlatforms 880,00 €
  • SuscripciónSuscription 825,00 €
Más informaciónMore information:

Practical course to implement a Cybersecurity Management system in an IACS environment, based on both a risk analysis and a cybersecurity diagnosis.
The guide for the construction of an SGCI will be used in a practical way in which specific guidelines of the ISO27001 and IEC62443 standards have been applied for an effective and continuous treatment of the risks on the availability, integrity and confidentiality of operations and information managed by industrial automation and control systems.

The training will take place in four sessions of 4 hours each on the indicated dates, during which the teacher’s explanations must be followed live. At the end of each session, attendees must individually carry out the proposed exercises, which will be solved and shared during the next session.

After completing this course, the attendee will be able to:

  1. Identify and define the concepts of Cybersecurity in Industrial Control Systems, analyzing the risks and impact on the business and on our lives, from different perspectives, technological and security&safety.
  2. Discover and analyze the state of the art of IACS Protection (Industrial Automation and Control Systems.)
  3. Detect and analyze the current situation of Security in the Industrial environment and the threats and vulnerabilities of Industrial Control Systems, recognizing their associated risk in a report
  4. Discuss important management and organizational issues: IT Director vs. Security Director vs. Plant Director vs. Production / Manufacturing Director. Design and propose a suitable management framework for industrial automation and infrastructures control.
  5. Manage digital security in an environment of operating technologies. Establishing, implementing and adopting a Security Program for Industrial Automation and Control Systems.
  • Welcome and introductions
  • Context. Industrial automation
  • Consequences of technological risks in IACS.
  • Cybersecurity diagnosis in industrial environments.
  • Industrial Cybersecurity in Critical Industrial Infrastructures
  • Areas of application of an Industrial cybersecurity management system
  • Domain 1: Definition of a strategy.
  • Domain 2: Industrial Cybersecurity Risk Management
  • Domain 3: Culture in cybersecurity
  • Domain 4: Protection regulations
  • Domain 5: Guarantee of Resilience and continuity
  • Maturity Models. Cybersecurity
  • Assessment tool. Part 1
  • Assessment tool. Part 2
  • Practical benchmarking. 27 objectives

It will be necessary to have basic knowledge of networking to understand the technical sections and to be able to properly carry out the laboratory practices.

A quién va dirigidoWho is this course for
This course is primarily aimed at those responsible for managing cybersecurity risks in industrial organizations, as well as consultants and auditors of risk management systems. Also aimed at industrial automation professionals who need to understand how to manage OT risks.
  • SGCI implementation guide (Market value € 450)
  • Cybersecurity diagnosis (Market value € 250)
  • Maturity assessment tool (Market value € 300)
  • Course presentations
  • Practical case
3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Madrid-Spanish time)

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