CCI held in November the 16th edition of the Multidisciplinary Course on Industrial Cybersecurity and Protection of Critical Infrastructures 2017


This edition has been held on 21, 22 and 23 November 2017 in Madrid. Hotel Meliá Avenida de América (C / Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 36)

This course has guided participants through the study of the state of the art of the Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Industrial Cybersecurity around the world, both in terms of legislation and regulations, as well as standards, initiatives, management frameworks and applicable technologies, thus achieving a global vision of security management in this type of organizations that allows the end of the day to clearly establish the next steps to follow to ensure proper supervision, management and implementation of the necessary measures.

ICC documentary kit included in the course:

Day 1.
  • The Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Industrial Cybersecurity
  • Cyber Security in the Life Cycle of an Industrial Automation Project
Day 2.
  • Practical Guide for the Construction of an Industrial Safety Management System
  • Normative map of industrial cybersecurity in Spain.
Day 3.
  • Good practices for the diagnosis of Cybersecurity in Industrial Environments
  • Good practices in the forensic analysis of Automation and Industrial Control Systems
The course has been divided into 3 days, which could be accessed independently obtaining the following knowledge:
• Identify and know the concepts of Cybersecurity in Industrial Control Systems and Protection of Critical Infrastructures, their definitions and relationships.
• Discover and analyze the state of the art of the Protection of Critical Infrastructures at an international level.
• Detect and analyze the current situation of Security in the Industrial Sector and the threats and vulnerabilities of Industrial Control Systems recognizing their associated risk.
• Identify, describe and adopt applicable frameworks and standards in these environments: ISA / IEC 62443, ISO 27001, BS 25999, NIST SP 800-82, etc.
• Establish, implement and adopt a Security Program for Industrial Control Systems and Design a Security and Protection Plan for Critical Infrastructure.
• Through the hands-on HOL workshop “Hands On Lab” will be able to understand and apply the design of secure networks, as well as apply strategies and defense techniques experiencing the two sides of the Cybersecurity of control systems.
If you are interested in this edition of the course, you can contact us through the email address: or by calling: +34 910 910 751. You can also reserve your place in the link You will find above to request registration.

Agenda Schedule