La Voz de la Industria The Voice of the Industry

On November 10, 2016, the first meeting of Industrial Cyber Security was held in Peru


CCI together with the Ministry of Defense of Peru, has organized the first meeting of Industrial Cybersecurity in Lima to share knowledge and experiences.

Attendees have been able to learn about the main technological risks in industrial sectors and critical infrastructures, as well as recommendations to protect the automation systems that control both critical infrastructures and industrial processes.
Some studies on the state of cybersecurity in Peru have been presented at this meeting.
There has also been a deepening of the best services to protect network operational technologies and their communication with IT environments, and case studies have been presented in solving real problems. Concluding this meeting with a debate on the opinion of industrial organizations and suppliers when it comes to addressing Industrial Cybersecurity.

Agenda Schedule

November 10, 2016
BTH Hotel Av. Guardia Civil 727, Córpac – Lima 41