Escuela Professional School

T03. Workshop of Cybersecurity in the Life Cycle of an Automation Industrial Project

To be confirmed
Nivel profesionalProfessional level: Directivo Executive, Estratégico Strategic, Tactico Tactical, Operativo Operative
OrganizaciónOrganization: Propietario, operación y mantenimiento Owner, operation and maintenance, Ingenieria e integración Engineering and integration, Fabricante de tecnología Technology manufacturer
DuraciónDuration: 6 hours
AsistenciaModality: Online
ModalidadMode: Taller Workshop
Nivel del programa de credencialesCredentials program level: Blanco White
CupoCapacity: 15
Tipo formaciónType: Calendario oficial CCI Official ICC Calendar

Con certificado de participaciónEnrolment certificate available

  • Oficial no Miembro CCIOfficial ICC non-member 400,00 €
  • BásicoBasic 360,00 €
  • Profesional y EnterpriseProfessional & Enterprise 340,00 €
  • PlataformasPlatforms 320,00 €
  • SuscripciónSuscription 300,00 €
Más informaciónMore information:

It will allow you to apply cybersecurity in the design of industrial automation, analyzing the risks and impact on the business.

The most effective way to protect the digital technologies used in the operation of an industrial plant is to do so in the earliest stages of their life cycle -design, supply and installation / commissioning-, incorporating, in each one of them, the appropriate cybersecurity measures and mechanisms, along with the rest of the functionality, quality and security requirements linked to operations.

The training will take place in two sessions of 3 hours each, during which the teacher’s explanations must be followed live. At the end of the first session, attendees must individually carry out the proposed exercises, which will be solved and shared during the second session.

  • CCI documentary kit. Cybersecurity guide in the life cycle
  • Cybersecurity in the design stage
  • Discussion: Cybersecurity requirements in the design stage
  • Cybersecurity in the provisioning and execution stages
  • Debate: Successes and failures in the implementation of industrial projects
  • Cybersecurity in the operation stage
  • Cybersecurity in the maintenance stage

Basic notions of industrial environments: automation and industrial communications.

A quién va dirigidoWho is this course for
This workshop is aimed primarily at professionals from industrial organizations, engineering, integrators, as well as IT and OT manufacturers who are involved in industrial automation projects.
  • Cybersecurity in the life cycle of an industrial automation project (Market value € 350)
  • Workshop presentations
  • Practical case
3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Madrid-Spanish time)

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