La Voz de la Industria The Voice of the Industry

"The Voice of de Industry": The Industrial Cybersecurity Situation in Spain


Industrial Cyber ​​Security First event “The Voice of Industry” to be held on June 20 in Madrid (C / Arapiles, 14) and where are the major players in the industry (Energy, Chemicals, Transportation, Water, …) to count their experiences and show their solutions.

This event will present the Cybersecurity Roadmap Industrial in Spain, which involved major private organizations and public institutions.

Also be displayed in SmartGrid Cyber ​​Security challenges and the challenges they will face service providers Industrial Cyber ​​SecurityAnd have the presence of end userspublic institutions and suppliers to discuss in a panel discussion on the successes and failures in awareness.

Agenda Schedule

  • 9:30 am
    Attendee registration
  • 10:00 am
    CCI Presentation and Roadmap Industrial Cybersecurity
  • 10:30 am
    View Public-Private Partnership and INTECO CNPIC
  • 11:00 am
    SMARTGRID challenges. Tecnalia
  • 11:40 am
  • 12:10 am
    Challenges service providers Industrial Cybersecurity. Telefónica
  • 12:50 am
    Arquitectura para asegurar redes SCADA y Sistemas de Control Industrial. Juniper
  • 1:20 pm
    Mesa redonda: Éxitos y fracasos en la concienciación Industrial. Usuarios Finales, Telefónica, Tecnalia, INTECO, CNPIC y CCI
  • 1:50 pm

June 20, 2013
MADRID, C/ Arapiles 14