La Voz de la Industria The Voice of the Industry

First meeting of "La Voz de la Industria Andaluza" on April 11 in Seville


In this meeting that we will celebrate at the Sevilla Center Hotel, the preliminary results of the study on the state of cybersecurity in the Andalusian industry will be presented for the first time.

The meeting will serve to share with attendees some experiences of cybersecurity managers from different industrial organizations. During the meeting, Alfonso Tena Venegas, Head of Technology Planning Service of the General Directorate of Telecommunications and Information Society of the Junta de Andalucía will present the initiatives in cybersecurity that are being promoted.
Also in this meeting, expert knowledge will be provided through several papers and a discussion table, focused on presenting the anatomy of industrial cybersecurity, by Wellness Telecom, or how SYMANTEC shows that artificial intelligence is becoming key for the industry and its protection.
Within this meeting will be discussed about the integration of IT and OT, and how to apply cybersecurity in the development of industrial software. All the industrial sectors are at the beginning of the digital transformation and we can learn from Tecnalia how to approach cybersecurity in this new scenario.

Agenda Schedule

  • 8:00 am
  • 8:30 am
    Welcome. Industrial Cybersecurity Context
  • 8:45 am
    Study of the state of Cybersecurity in the Andalusian Industry. CCI
  • 9:15 am
    Cybersecurity initiatives in Andalusia. General Directorate of Telecommunications and Information Society of the Junta de Andalucía
  • 9:45 am
    Pathological anatomy in industrial cybersecurity. WELLNESS TELECOM
  • 10:15 am
    Artificial Intelligence: a Re-Evolution. SYMANTEC
  • 10:45 am
  • 11:30 am
    Development and Safe Deployment of Industrial Software [4.0]. CCI
  • 12:00 am
    Security in the digital transformation of the industry. TECNALIA
  • 12:30 am
    Debate Panel: Industrial Cybersecurity Managers share experiences. Moderate CCI
  • 1:30 pm
    Clausura del encuentro

Apr 11, 2018
Hotel Sevilla Center. Av. de la Buhaira, 24, 41018 Sevilla