La Voz de la Industria The Voice of the Industry

First meeting of La Voz de la Industria held in Castilla y León on September 22 in virtual format


CCI has held a virtual meeting aimed at the industry of Castilla y León, presenting for the first time the preliminary results of the study on the state of cybersecurity in the industry of Castilla y León.


This meeting has allowed to share experiences and lessons learned from different sectors of the industry in Castilla y León by those responsible for cybersecurity of industrial organizations.
During the meeting, the Junta de Castilla y León presented the initiatives it develops on cybersecurity, with special attention to aspects related to cybersecurity in the industry of the region.
All industrial sectors are making progress in digital transformation, this meeting has addressed how to incorporate cybersecurity in the Life Cycle of an industrial digitization project, as well as experiences in the implementation of industrial cybersecurity measures by specialized providers , allowing to reduce risks in networks and operational systems.
The meeting ended with a panel discussion, where those responsible for cybersecurity in the industry will share valuable experiences and challenges on incorporating cybersecurity in their organizations.

Agenda Schedule

  • 9:00 am
    Welcome and Presentation of the meeting
  • 9:10 am
    Preliminary study of the state of Cybersecurity in the Industry of Castilla y León. CCI
  • 9:25 am
    Cybersecurity initiatives for the industry. Castilla y Leon Council
  • 9:50 am
    Practical demonstration of cybersecurity in OT environments
  • 10:20 am
    Cybersecurity strategies supported by Miter ICS. FORTINET
  • 10:50 am
    Cybersecurity Panel in Industrial digitization projects. Technology centers and clusters
  • 11:20 am
    Cybersecurity in the Life Cycle of an Industrial Digitalization project. CCI
  • 11:40 am
    Portable industrial process demonstrator for cybersecurity testing. C4IN CyberSecurity Center (Telefonica CyberSecurity TECH – ElevenPaths) y CIDAUT
  • 12:00 am
    Panel: Cybersecurity in design vs Response to cybersecurity incidents
  • 12:20 am