Equipo CCI

CCI Team

CCI Coordinator for Cuba

María Carla Silveira Taboadela

Cybersecurity Division Director, Information Technology Company ETI-BioCubaFarma. CUBA.

Master in Engineering in Cryptographic Applications and Engineering in Telecommunications and Electronics, degrees obtained at the "José Antonio Echeverría" Technological University of Havana, CUJAE. With 13 years of experience in the Tech and Cybersecurity sector in Latin America, Cuba, has developed digital products and services with business models in strategic sectors, with the aim of contributing to the increase in exports and the development of the country. Their work has always been aimed at combining strengths and developing collective capabilities. Leader attitude and skills.

  • Since 2020, she has directed the Cybersecurity and COS-BCF Services Team with its CSIRT-BioCubaFarma, with recognition at the country level and an Organizational Innovation award given by CITMA, Cuba.
  • Evaluator of R&D&I Projects in the Network of Evaluators of the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia – CEDIA 2023.
  • Author in Series of Expert Notebooks of the Center for Industrial Cybersecurity, CCI 2023 (Notebook 10).
  • Called by the Historic Center of Havana as a Consultant in Information Security for the development of the Smart City Project with government monitoring.
  • Invited by the ITU and MINCOM of the Republic of Cuba as an expert in the Accessible America Regional Event 2021 and 2023 in Panels on Smart City and Online Child Protection.
  • Speaker at Andina Link Smartcities. Cartagena, Colombia
  • Main Coordinator of the Industry 4.0 Theme at the Biohabana Congress 2022 and 2024. President of the II and III International Workshop on Challenges and Perspectives of Cybersecurity, Sigestic 2019, 2021 and 2023. (International Events held in Cuba)
  • Main Author of Scientific Articles presented at International Events such as Cibersociedad 2019 and 2023, Informatics 2022.
  • Gives Keynote Lectures at the National Cybersecurity Day in Cuba.
  • Works with Strategy in Relationship Marketing on approaches from the analytical perspective of the reality of the Product/Service.
  • Courses taught: Security in Web Applications, Wireless networks using Cryptography, Secure service administration, Strategic planning of business cybersecurity, Personalized Risk Analysis in Critical Services.
  • Lines of work: Risk analysis in Critical IT Infrastructures, Security in ICS/OT, Security in Validation of Computerized Systems in the BioPharmaceutical Industry, PKI, Secure service administration, Comprehensive scanning of web applications, Architecture and deployment of security services.

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