Equipo CCI

CCI Team

Industrial Cybersecurity Center Coordinator

Ayman Al- Issa

Ayman has over 20 years of experience in the fields of Automation, Information Technology, and Cyber Security. He has graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Electronics Engineering and verse in different backgrounds like industrial control systems, systems engineering, and building cyber security strategies, designs and models.

Ayman has a wide-ranging experience in protecting critical infrastructures, and he is an information contributor to the ISA99/IEC62443 international standard and currently the Co-Chairman of Workgroup1.

Ayman is currently the CCI Chief Technology Advisor in the Middle East and Asia, and he is an energetic member in the Cyber Security advisory boards of a number of the top worldwide universities that are exploiting researches for improving industrial cyber security, and he is an active member in different international Security Innovation Alliances that are focused in a worldwide program for improving the security of industrial control systems by the close collaboration of the leading IT Security vendors and leading industrial automation and control system vendors. Realizing that security measures are always behind the emerging cyber risks, he developed an ICS defense-in-depth industrial cyber security model that aims to early detection of threats based on security-through-vision-and-integration.